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Sarkari Result for Candidates who are 12th Pass
Now let’s talk about government jobs for those people who are engaged only after passing 12, in an effort to get it. And there are many such departments in India, in which there have always been 12th pass appointments. Government job is in a way a great and golden advancement opportunity for 12th pass students which is easy and safe. 12th pass government jobs are also very famous because in this good salary as well as benefits of other government facilities are also available. On the other hand, if seen, the examinations are not difficult for the 12th passed, but the competition and fighting are strong for this. There are many such posts in the Indian Central Government and State Governments, for which 12th pass candidates can apply.
Those applicants who want to apply for government jobs only after 12th pass, they have various types of government departments for which they can apply, which include the posts of Police, Army, Airforce, Railway etc. SarkariExam.com provides you 12th Pass Vacancies such as SSC CHSL (Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination), SSC GD (General Duty Constable), SSC MTS (Multi-Tasking Staff), Railway NTPC, UPSC NDA (National Defense Academy), Indian Amry, Indian Air Force Airmen, Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and many other government department’s posts like Stenographer, Clerk, Translator, MTS, etc.
Rojgar Result for Candidates who are 10th Pass
Like the 12th pass, many government job opportunities are being provided by the central government and state government of India for the 10th pass people as well. 10 pass candidates will have to keep an eye on this portal of Sarkari Result to get government job information first and immediately so that they are not deprived of any government job information. So if you are also searching for 10 pass government jobs then there is no need to wander here and there because every job with complete details and information will be in front of you first on EducationSathi.Com. Like other government jobs, 10 pass government jobs is also a great opportunity for students to make their future, which also has many benefits.
At EducationSathi.Com, you will get to see a unique treasure trove of 10th pass jobs because 10th pass candidates are more important than other candidates for us. As in India, Army, SSC, Police, Railway & various States Public Service Commission provide 10th pass government job opportunities to the candidates. And posts like labours, peons, operators, chowkidar, cook, drivers, firemen, trackman, constables, security officers are included in the appointment of these departments. For example, in Railway Group D, Indian Amry Cook, UP Police Constable, Bihar Police Constable, Railway Apprentice and other departments, the minimum qualification of 10th pass is valid. And like other forms, applications for this are made through both online or offline mode.
Let’s talk about some such government recruitments in which 10th pass candidates are included :
Government Jobs in the Income Tax Department.
Government Jobs in Indian Railways for 10th Class Pass.
Govt. Jobs in the Police Department
10th Pass Jobs in Army.
Government Jobs in the Defence Sector for 10th Class Pass
Government Jobs in the Other Department for 10th Class Pass
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